Open Hours: Monday-Friday, 9AM - 4PM

Performance Supplements

Performance Supplements

  Next Stop: Gainsville By Dr. Allan Bacon  Summary Some of the most common questions I receive daily on social media have to do with proper supplement intake. For those of you that are unaware, I have professionally formulated for some...

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Supplemental Glutamine

Supplemental Glutamine

Glutamine: Micro-Entry All substance, no fluff. By Dr. Allan Bacon  Overview Supplemental glutamine has been claimed to improve everything under the sun: performance, recovery, immune health, even pH balance. Unfortunately, outside of some...

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Greek Yogurt Tzatziki Sauce

Greek Yogurt Tzatziki Sauce

Recipe by Beth Bacon   Here’s a way to add TONS of flavor to your meats while also getting in some more protein.   Ingredients: 1 c fat-free (or you can use 2% or full-fat if you have the macros for it) Greek yogurt 1/2 c diced...

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Make Motivation Work for You

Make Motivation Work for You

  Motivation: Lifestyle Power-Up By Dr. Allan Bacon  Chin up! I like to explain to my clients that your true Why and your motivations are different things. This is a bit of a semantical discussion, but helps frame how you can best use...

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