Open Hours: Monday-Friday, 9AM - 4PM

High-Bar vs Low-Bar Squat

High-Bar vs Low-Bar Squat

General guidelines: Regardless of style chosen, hip drive execution should always be a focus: The choice between High or Low bar squat style comes down to a few factors: lever lengths, sport specific training (Olympic and Crossfit lifts tend to...

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Caffeine Safety

Caffeine Safety

Intro Caffeine is the most ubiquitous supplement available on the market today. So common, in fact, that few take the time to consider it a supplement. Public perception ranges from indifference to fear. California’s Prop 65, a pseudoscientific...

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Kinesiology Tape (Kinesio Tape)

Kinesiology Tape (Kinesio Tape)

Evidence is lacking to support the use of kinesiotape as a successful measure for improving athletic-based performance.   It was shown that “kinesiology tape does not alter lower limb performance or muscle function in healthy adults...

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Beef Protein (Isolate) Powder

Beef Protein (Isolate) Powder

Collagen or Gelatin? by Dr. Moody NW and Dr. Allan Bacon   We all enjoy romanticizing the idea that beef protein isolate is filet mignon ground into powder, but that is far from the truth. The price of sourcing beef for this purpose would be...

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