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Carbohydrate-Insulin Model

Carbohydrate-Insulin Model

  Attack of the Carbs   By Dr. Allan Bacon  The Rundown If you spend enough time learning about nutrition you will eventually hear about the Carbohydrate-Insulin Model (CIM) of obesity in one form or another. According to the...

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Insulin Resistance

Insulin Resistance

  Resist the Urge to Listen to Influencers   By Dr. Allan Bacon  The Rundown My buddy insulin gets a bad rap…because he can be the bad guy…sometimes. But other times, he’s the hero we didn’t know we needed!...

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Optimize Your Protein Intake

Optimize Your Protein Intake

Dietary Protein As a fitness minded individual, it is important to both understand protein quality and to assure adequate protein intake to help you reach your physique, health, and performance goals. In this article we will discuss optimal daily...

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Why you’re not losing weight

Why you’re not losing weight

  Patience or Programming? By Dr. Allan Bacon  Losing weight is a difficult battle. The sheer volume of information out there can leave you feeling overwhelmed. You have unsuccessfully tried to lose weight in the past, or have lost...

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