Open Hours: Monday-Friday, 9AM - 4PM

Supplements for Joint Health

Supplements for Joint Health

The most research-backed ingredients for joint health efficacy include: a high bio-availability curcumin product (such as Theracurmin, Longvida, etc), pycnogenol, and boswellia. A high EPA/DHA fish oil is another all-around quality product to...

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Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue   Adrenal Fatigue is a common myth that is pushed by people trying to sell tests and supplements as quick fixes for what is essentially standard fatigue (or a normal reaction to stimulant usage that has nothing to do with...

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Knee Wraps

Knee Wraps

The elastic properties of knee wraps increased mechanical output, but altered back squat technique in a way that is likely to alter the musculature targeted by the exercise and possibly compromise the integrity of the knee joint. Knee wraps...

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Creatine and Your Kidneys

Creatine and Your Kidneys

Kidney Health: Micro-Entry All substance, no fluff.   Overview There is much mis-information available regarding side-effects of creatine, especially when it comes to renal health. Because of the potential for increased creatinine blood...

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