Open Hours: Monday-Friday, 9AM - 4PM
Dr. Allan Bacon, DDS, CPT, PBC, USAPL-CC, CNC, PN1

Dr. Allan Bacon, DDS, CPT, PBC, USAPL-CC, CNC, PN1

Iron Forged

Dr. Allan holds a Doctorate in Dental Surgery from the University of Maryland. He is a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, a certified physique & bodybuilding coach, a certified nutritionist (x2), a certified coach for USA Powerlifting, and has formulated professionally for industry-leading dietary supplement companies since 2009.

You can find his published fitness articles in outlets such as Muscle & Fitness, Sci-Fit, the Alan Aragon Research Review, and The Personal Trainer Development Center and more.

His practice focuses on helping driven adults master their physique, performance, and health for lifelong results (from the average Joe to Arnold Classic competitors to American record holding weightlifters). In his free time, Dr. Allan enjoys outdoor activities, EDC, sports, hanging out with his wife and dog, bodybuilding, gaming, and reading.

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